Scale and corrosion inhibitors are composed of organic phosphines, superior copolymers, copper corrosion inhibitors, and other components. They exhibit excellent corrosion inhibition performance for carbon steel, copper, and copper alloys, as well as remarkable scale inhibition and dispersion performance for calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. These products are primarily used in open-circuit cooling water treatment systems, particularly suitable for systems containing copper equipment. They can be used in water with high pH, alkalinity, and hardness, and are one of the ideal water treatment agents for alkaline operation without pH adjustment. By combining with calcium ions in circulating cooling water, scale and corrosion inhibitors prevent metal corrosion and hinder the growth of carbonate crystallites, distorting the crystal lattice to prevent the formation of hard scale on the surface of heat exchangers. Additionally, these products are convenient to use and have good safety performance, making them widely used in industrial circulating water systems such as power plants, steel plants, fertilizer plants, and oilfield water injection systems.
The application of scale and corrosion inhibitors also brings other advantages, including reducing the rate of bubble formation in the water within the equipment and minimizing the phenomenon of water and steam boiling together caused by bubbles; when using corrosion and scale inhibitors, the reaction with water generates heat, increasing system temperature and reducing energy loss; they have a passivating effect on equipment to prevent corrosion; after dissolving dirt in the equipment, the resulting residue and other substances reduce the formation of secondary dirt; they possess strong cleaning capabilities, quickly and effectively removing scale in equipment that has been in use for a long time; they prevent the corrosion of metal equipment by oxygen and dissolved anions in the water, and prohibit caustic embrittlement; they can remove heavy metal ions, anions, silicon, sulfur, and other components that cannot be removed by other methods.